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Our Story

Move Better. Live Better.

PB Kinesiologist was founded in 2020 with the goal of making Kinesiology more accessible for Vernon and its surrounding areas. Our aim is to support people to become healthier through movement, exercise, and nutrition.

Kinesiologists utilize evidence-based, progressive training/exercise strategies that safely and effectively improve your overall function and health.

Practicing for over 10 years PB Kinesiologist brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Vernon BC.

One of PBK's primary services is Active Rehabilitation, which is assessing your physical function followed by the implementation and progression of an individually structured exercise program to promote the safe and dependable return to your regular life activities.

We also design programs for general fitness and health, sports performance, and nutrition.

Kinesiologists apply the science of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology and neuroscience to improve human movement and function. Kinesiology assists in the prevention and rehabilitation of injury, lifestyle diseases and other physiological conditions, along with the enhancement of human performance, in environments such as work and sport.

Our Story: About Us

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"I work tirelessly to incorporate my knowledge into every client’s training because everyone deserves to move better and live better."

Paul Bradshaw

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